The medieval village of Quercianella
- Middle Ages
- castiglioncello
City of the sea, is known
Since antiquity to be a natural harbour b> and testimony of
Therefore, the ancient name "Vadum" (berthing, ford).
Described by authors such as Pliny and Cicero, became known as a port of Volterra
And, subsequently, its inlet was also an excellent refuge for pirates
I note the "dry of Vada b>" which caused the loss of many ships
Roman, who left here some of the most important of
Trade in greek-Roman world b>. Many artefacts as amphorae b>,
Terracotta vases b> and marbles worked b> you can still find on
Low depths.
The place is also known for landing Giuseppe Garibaldi b> in 1867, after
His imprisonment in Caprera. The oldest monument of the city is the Tower of
Go b>, built by Pisa around 1400, which was used as a beacon and
Today is the venue of laboratory education.
Long Beach b>
Free b> (5 km) offers many entertainment ranging from fishing to
Serf, followed by schools sailing, skating, tennis courts and
Beach volleyball. The zone area stretches from Rada of Saraceno b>,
As was called Coast of the Etruscans b>, the pine forests of
Pietrabianca b> and the residential area Molino b> Fire to Mezzanta b>.
In this beach 1998/1999/2000, along with Castiglioncello, had
Attributing bandier blue b>.